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For who ? 

could be a digestive issue, excess weight, trouble with your sports or intellectual performance.
Allergies, intolerances, migraines, chronic fatigue,

hormonal imbalance, degenerative or auto immune diseases.

some of your health issues may be due to stress, poor sleep or burnout ...

Portrait de famille

For everyone 

1. Starting point 

So, why you are sitting in front of me?

Are you :


  • in search of a healthier life
    (food balance, lifestyle, prevention)?

  • in a particular moment of your life
    (pregnancy, withdrawal, stress, sports performance)?

  • run down by specific disorders
    (digestive, weight, sleep, fatigue, joint problems, burnout, etc.)



2. Health check-up

I evaluate your health - it's a global assessment of your strengths and weaknesses, your excesses and deficiencies.


It is an "inventory" of your organism, which makes it possible to define the strategy to be taken.

3. Biological analyzes

In addition to this traditional assessment, it is sometimes necessary to call on specific biological assessments . 

They allow, among other things, to establish  the state of your health  :


-         nutritional excesses and deficiencies,

-         hormonal check (beyond the classics),

-         immune dysfunctions,

-         fatty acid profil (including omega 3s),

-         inflammation, antioxydants (oxydative stress)

-         digestive health - microbiome, enzymes, leaky gut

-         condition of your liver.

5. Nutrition education

4. Personalized program

With all these elements, a personalized program is established, which allows you to intervene with precision in your daily life to attain your objectives.

In addition to this program, my goal is to educate, and help you navigate through the changes we make in a simple way.


I sometimes come shopping with you - help you make the right choices (stay away from marketing lies), or come to your house - let's make simple things with the foods you have on hand.

You have a question ? 



Mobile: 076  375 35 66

Efficium  : 022 307 10 90 



Rte de la Gravière 3

1225 Chêne-Bourg  

Opal Tower 2nd floor  

(Above CEVAS train station)



Rampe de la Gare 1 

1290 Versoix



Rue Pellegrino-Rossi 5,

1201 Genève



zoom, WhatsApp, skype>

Social networks

  • Instagram
  • Facebook

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© 2020 by Nutriella

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