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Clinical analyses

One of my specialties is my interest in modern and advanced laboratory tests that include biological analyses such as hormones, the state of the intestinal flora, vitamins, minerals, etc. as well as salivary and even salt analyses. I also perform genetic analyses that look at existing mutations on genes... As for the analysis of your microbiota, it is essential...! Thanks to the latter, we learn how our intestines and the cells of our body interact, which is valuable knowledge for those who wish to uncover the mysteries of our health.


Micronutrition focuses on the molecules found in our plate and how our body uses them. It is based on the complex principle of a close connection between diet, health and prevention. Micronutrition acts on all the cells in our body, keeps us healthy and prevents the risk of disease. Thus, it accompanies you towards a healthy lifestyle, promoting well-being and longevity.

Noix de framboise et de diverses


Il devrait être facile d'être en déficit caloriques et perdre du poids... Pourtant ce n'est pas si simple. 

Ne pas perdre de poids peut être dû à plusieurs facteurs,
comme vos hormones, votre microbiote, les médicaments que vous prenez, votre façon de faire de l'exercice, ou vos habitudes alimentaires. Voici quelques raisons:


  • Trop de cardio et pas assez de musculation

  • Manger trop ou pas assez

  • Ne pas avoir un sommeil adéquat

  • Trop de stress, trop de cortisol

  • L’intolérance au sucre, prédiabète

  • Déséquilibre hormonal

  • Vous produisez peu/plus d'hormones

  • L'hypothyroïdie, ou thyroïde sous-active 

  • La préménopause, même jeune, ou la ménopause

  • Le syndrome des ovaires polykystiques (SOPK)

Sports Performances

For athletes,

know that Ella Odman has worked for years with high-level athletes so that they can excel in their field and are able to provide the best possible performances. Whatever your level, the frequency of your practice, and / or your objective, I respond to your request thanks to a controlled and adapted diet.

In short, every athlete will find what they are looking for.

poids colorés

Bien être, Gestion du stress

Are you irritable? Overworked? Mentally and physically tired (or even exhausted)? Do you have trouble motivating yourself at work or at home, does everything seem dull? Do you find it difficult to get up in the morning (even after a good night's sleep)?

You should know that chronic stress uses a hormone called cortisol. In excess, this hormone has many negative effects such as 'burn out', muscle wasting, fat storage (especially visceral), increased hunger, etc. In addition, feeling too much of this stress can lead to sleep disorders that are not without consequences on our state of health... With various tools, we can find solutions.

I am and I advise in the framework of my offices in Geneva profiles of people from all walks of life, men or women, young or old, stressed or not tired, sportsmen, with digestive problems, sleep, hormones, or who struggle to achieve a health objective. With all these profiles, I seek to identify the cause(s) to solve them with measure and intelligence.

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